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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom

Prev Msg   - (squeak) Some specific areas: 
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To:      all
From:    jalpar
Subject: xp/mob changes areas
As far as I can see it i'm still correct about what I said all of the immorts 
neeed to list to there players. Both Phtom and Brawn did incredible jobs on 
their areas. Phtom made specific sections of Atlantis for quest and specific 
areas for XP. t
The sole reason for gaining xp is to level and to increase stats and to attempt 
to give you an edge over the mobs. Lets face it it's merely a cursory justification
why changes don't need to be made on the mud. Filled with heart wrenching reasons
why they were done.  I personally don't know anyone who used a bot to get xp 
on the mud.  I know most of the high level players on the mud complain about 
being bored as shit getting xp.  It's interesting that you refer to bots though.
Isn't that the whole reason why xp and mob changes were made.  I recall a 
person who advanced to much too quickly and a god cried out the answer is 
to change xp on the mobs and also to make them hit harder.  Trolls and vikings 
bots where being run.  Well perhaps instead of punishing those who got xp 
the old fashioned way... Perhaps you should have punished the person for doing
such a thing.  But I guess what's done is done. 

Balance... What is balance. Immortals regular characters having higher hit/dam
and ac than i can get.  Sometimes I even see gods mortal chars with eq they never
before. But oh well whos to keep track. *sigh* 
As for the pyramids and this balance crap it's b-o-l-o-g-n-i-e. What is the area

suggestion for it.. minimum 25... why is it that now you need a dammed tank to 
go through it. Didn't for a while.  Musta been some poor monitoring immort who
wanted to create balance by following around ashton,sauron and jalpar whereever
they went.  But personally who cares I had my fun on the mud. So you balance 
the mud out you Immorts.  Keep doing it and people just won't come around as
often like is already happening. Some nights I was the only one or 2 on. Last 
December and I even recall in summer 96 it was jammed packed.  Then the changes :)

Conspiracy not really.  Just a bunch of people who may not fully understand
balance to well.  People who rationalize way to much.

As for Fikh,Xael and Kefka they made some incredible areas out there. Hat's off 
to ya guys.  I have never seen more detail on any mud as well as what has been 
done in some of there areas. 
As for other builders sure they did an excellent job on there areas as well.
But to make mist cloaks and amulets of the magic kind 20 pounds well that 
just resorts back to your composition problem.  How about the anti neutral 
cloak in spins area. I personally know he didn't want it changed to that.
But I reckon that was done to spite high leveler who were spamming the shit
out of immorts with enchant armor. 

Encourage your builders not piss them off.  That's one of the reasons why 
I never built any areas on here.  I would be super pissed if I saw you changing
the xp on my areas and the equipment. You immorts who wrote for dentin in 
response to this perhaps need to talk to the builders and see how they 
fell about all the changes. And not just your buddies who you know will 
side who will agree with ya.

Last but not least nobody I know high level has bots to go run around and get
xp and I am sure you know that yourself. I believe that was pretty much 
just another rationilzation on your part (specifically squeak).


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