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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom
Prev Msg - 2008 Sep 26 01:38 (draak) I like all the people posting h...
Next Msg - 2008 Sep 26 02:33 (groan) Doom and Castle Wolfenstien (re...
Date: 2008 Sep 26 02:29
From: groan
Subject: Gathersing
It should be held in San Francisco.
Anyplace else would be silly imho.
SF is the spot to gather n stuff.. They did it in the
60's and 70's.
Traveled all across the country for "Free Love" (and free drugs)
So what if a couple people cant make it? its bound to happen.
Im not against Wisconson/St. Paul either.
Just my $0.02
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