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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom

Prev Msg   - (dentin) Response to Jalpar, part 1
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From:    dentin
Subject: Response to Jalpar, part 2

> It's interesting that you refer to bots though.
>Isn't that the whole reason why xp and mob changes were made.  I recall a 
>person who advanced to much too quickly and a god cried out the answer is 
>to change xp on the mobs and also to make them hit harder.

I would have to say that the reason these bots were capable of existing in the
first place is because the areas at the time were unbalanced.

> Trolls and vikings 
>bots where being run.

Bots were being run here a _long_ time ago.  The main reason this was happening
is because the mobs had 5 times the experience on them that they should have had.
This was caused mostly because when these areas were built, the gods involved had
no real clue what any of the power scales were going to be.  We have have at least
a decent indicator of such a scale, and I would like to think that things are not
as far off as they used to be.

> Well perhaps instead of punishing those who got xp 
>the old fashioned way... Perhaps you should have punished the person for doing
>such a thing.  But I guess what's done is done. 

What is the old fashioned way?  If a player is able to do something, cussing them
out wont solve the problem.  Even if that player is a good little mudder, someone
else will eventually take advantage of it.  I would prefer to have a mud where
things aren't illegal - anything the mud will let you do, you do.

There are obvious exceptions to this, such as the use of the summon spell for PK.
In this case, it is simply not worth the detriment of crippling the summon spell.

>Balance... What is balance. Immortals regular characters having higher hit/dam
>and ac than i can get.  Sometimes I even see gods mortal chars with eq they never
>before. But oh well whos to keep track. *sigh* 

Sorry, but I watch this.  Gods mortals (at least the ones now, vinnie et all have
been deleted) may have higher stats, but that is because they either have old style
eq, or traded for it.  And such old equipment is becoming harder and harder to find.

Myself, I have shitty characters.  Lets face it - Jerk is a piece of shit.  I have
found it difficulty to get even close to the stats of other characters of his
level, and none of them have old style stuff.  This certainly doesn't stop him
from being able to do corpse retrievals that they cant, however.

Next note.

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