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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom
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From: squeak
Subject: Object and mob changes
As usual many players are complaining about changing stats
on objects and mobs. The policy of this mud has always been
that all areas created here are the property of the builder's
but that insofar as they load in DentinMud, Dentin reserves
the right to maintain game balance.
Many players seem to think that they are being personally
attacked when objects or mobs change. They complain about
the changes as if there were a conspiracy. I find this highly
insulting both as a builder and an admin-type god. Most gods
create their areas to be challenging and fun, but very rarel
to be areas to allow players to improve their bot-writing skills.
When you find an easy method of gaining experience or raising
your stats, you have probably foudn what the creator would
consider a mistake on thier part. When you complain about their
correction you are insulting their ability to create.
There are perhaps a few areas which are designed to be easy
experience, but these areas detract from the value of all other
areas by luring players. It has been customary to start an area
with high exp.,gold, and object stats to encourage exploration,
and then to lower the stats back to normal once the area has
gained popularity.
Since the original creators are many times either retired or
unconcerned with game balance, the administration has to
alter stats on loading areas. Problems may occur since the
administration does not have the same intimacy with the area
as the original creator. If you think an area has been overl
corrected by admin then post a note. In the note include the
xp/hr you were getting and th xp/hr you currently get.
On a personal note, I find no problem with lowering stats n
areas where a great deal of care has been taken to create
atmosphere. Experience runners seldom appreciate any of the
work put into an area, thus I try to make sure my areas require
one to explore and understand an areas atmosphere befor hy
can take advantage of the area.
Comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the
views of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.
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