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From:    dentin
Subject: spells and spell practicing, upcoming...
This is a general note about skills and possible changes that have been
suggested. What I was under the impression of is that the current spells
would begin to be tree-ified, in that certain spells could not be learned
without first learning others that are a pre-requisite.  A prime example of
this would be with the fire based combat spells, where to learn fireball, you
have to have some prior knowledge in lower fire based spells, for demon fire
you have to have fireball, etc.

I am also thinking of making it such that if you have the spell learned to
high amounts then you would fail significantly less than you do currently,
and make the penalty for not having it learned perfectly be casting the spell
not at full power, or perhaps at a penalty of a couple of cast levels.
Something like this could be the summon spell, where only having it learned
to 50% would result in only a 25% failure rate but would have the
disadvantage of casting the spell with a penalty of perhaps 1d10 cast levels.
 A decent algorithm for this seems to be

fail rate= 1 - (percent learned)^2
where fail rate is capped at .003 and .997 or something like that.

cast level= 1 d ((1-percent learned)*20)  -1

or something similar.  Basically, failure rate drops off as the square of
percent learned, and casting penalty is proportional to much you dont know
the spell.

I also just had this thought about being able to practice a spell at
virtually any level, with the penalty that for every level you are missing,
it costs 1 or 2 percent per practice extra to learn the spell. For example,
if you need one more level to learn demonfire, you would recieve 6 percent
per practice as opposed to 8 if you had that level.  This would in theory
allow a low level character to have and be able to cast some neat spells, it
would just take a long time to do it.

Comments on my stupid ideaness?

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