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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom

Prev Msg   - (jalpar) xp/mob changes areas
Next Msg   - (dentin) Response to Jalpar, part 2

From:    dentin
Subject: Response to Jalpar, part 1

>As far as I can see it i'm still correct about what I said all of the immorts 
>neeed to list to there players.

No argument here: however mortals seldom if ever understand why certain things
may be done nor not done.  How many of you know why I dont have a 'gate' spell?

> Both Phtom and Brawn did incredible jobs on 
>their areas. Phtom made specific sections of Atlantis for quest and specific 
>areas for XP.
>The sole reason for gaining xp is to level and to increase stats and to attempt

>to give you an edge over the mobs.

Yes.  However, I did not build this mud to cater to level 105+ characters.  I
also never intended to have characters with 110 total levels - I figured that
at that point, people would be buying practices rather than leveling.  Guess I
was wrong, and now those people who have exceeded my expectations are complaining
about how difficult it is to level.  Would it make you all feel better if I did
as other muds do, and simply limit your ability to level, say 'You are not allowed
to level beyond 105 total levels?'  Not to be blunt, but there has to be a limit,
a stopping point somewhere.  Your character cannot be infinitely powerful.

> Lets face it it's merely a cursory justification
>why changes don't need to be made on the mud. Filled with heart wrenching reasons
>why they were done.

Im not sure I understand this one.  But when I see players getting exp at a rate
that conflicts (severely, I might add) with my world view, things change.

> I personally don't know anyone who used a bot to get xp 
>on the mud.

Botting for exp has never really been that much of a problem.  Those cases that it
was a problem with did not involve exceedingly high level characters.

> I know most of the high level players on the mud complain about 
>being bored as shit getting xp.

I can imagine so.  But then again, like any game, people are going to get bored.
Period.  I will do what I can to keep people interested as long as I can - however
I will _not_ sacrifice game integrity to keep you interested for another month.
As I said above, I do my damndest to keep people interested.  But to start on an
endless inflationary cycle to keep power players happy is a Bad Plan (tm).  My
current goal is to keep people for perhaps 4 years.  Right now, that number is
more realistically 1 or 2 - but it is getting better.

This game was intended to provide entertainment for as long as it could to as
many people as possible.  The fact that people are going to get bored and leave
is simply unavoidable.  How many of you still play doom on a regular basis?  How
about Castle Wolfenstein?

Next note.

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