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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom

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To:      dentin all
From:    rat
Subject: Pets, familiars (high level)
Suppose you have charmed a mob with a little intelligence and you're
pretty charismatic, and you've got all this food...
Well telling your charmee, "Sit." then ordering him to "sit"
giving him some food. Pets love people who give them food. And they
are easy victims of operative condition.
Now suppose your charm spell runs out. Stay with your pet and say, "Sit"
or tell him "sit" what do you know he sits!

Now suppose someone else says "Sit" well the pet isnt likely to respond
(it might but not as liekly) unless that person too is one of the pets

Now suppose you lose track of dutiful pet, then gossip, "Come here"
and what do you know, your pet is waiting in recall. (If you trained him with that)

Such is my idea... pets will probably lost every reboot.
Refinements: Animals gain loyalty by receiving food, humanoids by gold,
monsters through xp, or hp.
All pets lose loyalty by unrewarded commands or taking damage.

Such is my idea

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