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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom
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From: dentin
Subject: Response to Jalpar, part 4
>As for Fikh,Xael and Kefka they made some incredible areas out there. Hat's off
>to ya guys. I have never seen more detail on any mud as well as what has been
>done in some of there areas.
>As for other builders sure they did an excellent job on there areas as well.
>But to make mist cloaks and amulets of the magic kind 20 pounds well that
>just resorts back to your composition problem. How about the anti neutral
>cloak in spins area. I personally know he didn't want it changed to that.
>But I reckon that was done to spite high leveler who were spamming the shit
>out of immorts with enchant armor.
Ok, this is fucked up.
The reason that mist cloaks, and other things, weigh 20 pounds is because that
is the default weight when an object is created. If the weight on something
is 20 pounds, most likely the builder forgot to set it. In any case, we dont
go around changing weight on things unless it really deserves it.
Next, Spin posted a note to me saying that that is how he intended the cloak
to be. As for enchant, if you would actually go cast the spell some time, it
_does_ work on aligned eq.
>Encourage your builders not piss them off. That's one of the reasons why
>I never built any areas on here. I would be super pissed if I saw you changing
>the xp on my areas and the equipment. You immorts who wrote for dentin in
>response to this perhaps need to talk to the builders and see how they
>fell about all the changes. And not just your buddies who you know will
>side who will agree with ya.
I try to be pretty picky about such changing other peoples areas. It has been
a problem in the past, and is heavily logged now. I can pretty easily find out
who has changed what. I may require changes in an area, but the builder will
know about it.
The exceptions would be those gods who are gone. If they are no longer here,
and a problem develops, I _will_ fix it.
>Last but not least nobody I know high level has bots to go run around and get
>xp and I am sure you know that yourself. I believe that was pretty much
>just another rationilzation on your part (specifically squeak).
Im not sure where all this came from either. Botting for exp by high level
players has not been that prevalent. Most often, botting is done for skills
and spells.
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