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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Room of Impending Doom

Prev Msg   - (dentin) Response to Jalpar, part 2
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From:    dentin
Subject: Response to Jalpar, part 3

>As for the pyramids and this balance crap it's b-o-l-o-g-n-i-e. What is the area

>suggestion for it.. minimum 25... why is it that now you need a dammed tank to 
>go through it. Didn't for a while.  Musta been some poor monitoring immort who
>wanted to create balance by following around ashton,sauron and jalpar whereever
>they went.

Brawn built the pyramid as an area intended to be a nuclear death trap unless you
had a group of a lot of level 30's.  I found a player and his multiplaying tank
absolutely wiping the walls with the mobs in there.  Hell yes, they are going to
be changed.

As for the area itself, I have had to work with the original builder and set it
down what, 5? times now.  Having to put detect invis on one mob hardly consists
of what I would call a major area change.

> But personally who cares I had my fun on the mud.

Thanks.  So have I.

> So you balance 
>the mud out you Immorts.  Keep doing it and people just won't come around as
>often like is already happening. Some nights I was the only one or 2 on. Last 
>December and I even recall in summer 96 it was jammed packed.  Then the changes

Contrary to popular belief, we have more people now than we have ever had in the
past.  The only times I can remember the mud being jam packed a year and a half
ago was when all the alaska gods and all their friends came on to power group.
Now, we exceed those maximums every day - but with newbies and lower level
characters.  Its not my fault you wont group with them.

>Conspiracy not really.  Just a bunch of people who may not fully understand
>balance to well.  People who rationalize way to much.

Im not sure what this is about.  But there are a lot of people who dont
understand the balance.

>Dancer!!!! Cackle. Dancer took no care in his areas. Dancer didn't even write 
>descriptions on trogs and the Jade dragon. Immorts personally upped jade after 
>Dancer got dented for cheating to much as an immortal and assisting other 
>players in getting eq. I crush your silly head for those remarks.

I wont comment on this other than to say that dancer made the alterations to the
Jade dragon and the titanium eq.  He cared, but didnt feel long descriptions
were that important.

Next note.

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