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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: Jul 31 16:30
To: all
From: firedraco
Subject: Warrior skills
Since warriors are supposed to be fighters and stuff maybe they could have
some high-level skills that would help them hit/tank better.
Combo Attack format combo attack <ally 1> <ally 2> ... lev 28-30 cost 100mv
(around there)
This skill could probably be like a groupcast thing except with an attack
instead of a spell. it could like make you and the allies you choose, (maybe
make them have to be warrior primary but not have to know the skill), combine
damage bounuses, and then combine a random hit and then add some extra damage
since more than 1 person is atking at once, and make it one huge hit. But
since it takes like 100mv or maybe more (prob make it cost that much for each
person) it wouldnt be a skill that can be used repedatly. Maybe you could
also make it have like a 2-10 round lag for 'setting up' the combo, more lag
for more ppl.
Thats all for now
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