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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: 2013 Aug 16 08:31
From: calico
Subject: druid spell cast ora or enhance ora...
a cleric or druid spell if druid comes to play in aa,
ora is a passive spell that could be maintained that gives the caster or target a
magical ora about they're body that could give magical properties to the targeted.
my idea is to have the spell be cast with a color, for each color a different atribute
could be added to the target,
blue would be hp regen and or extra hp slash cler clev if the caster is high enough
red could add attack speed and or hitroll/damroll again based upon the cast level
of the caster.
green would add moveregen and or a bonus to forest nav for causeing less movement
in forested areas mainly for druids to be able to move through the woods mor easily
again would increase effectiveness with cast level.
yellow would add an extra int and or wis, and or could add mana to the target and
at higher levels could add mage clev.
white would add constitution and or warrior skill level, again skill level at higher
cast level.
black would add thiefskill at verry high level and dextarity slash charisma and could
improve the max shadow cost of the target.
these of course are my first thoughts on colors but ora could be random as well,
or dependant on the target.
also ora's could be like sanctuary, and could be added upon or improved but could
fall apart all together causing the target harm or short lived curses like blindness
famine etc...
thanks hope this gets read over doesn't look like many post on this board d.
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