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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2008 Sep 10 15:33 (lilwane) new spell
Next Msg   - 2012 Feb 24 15:46 (spiritsinger) What about a warrior ski...

Date:    2008 Sep 10 15:51
From:    sadie
Subject: forwading messages
Yet another random idea.  I thought it would be cool to have some way to forward
tells.  That way, if you need to say something to more than just one player, and
if your not in a group with them, then you can just forward your last tell to so
andd so.  I also think you should be able to do that with other tells people send
to you.  I guess the command could just be forward, if it's 
your own message, and if it's something someone else sends you, forward tell.  Or
maybe the command to forward your own messages, could be forward message.  I dk,
thought it would be a pretty cool idea though.

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