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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2008 Jul 28 10:55 (franco) bloodbaths idea
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Date:    2008 Jul 30 10:52
To:      all
From:    mason
Subject: nature earth wind spell ideas and more

earth spell idea

earth shatter- being much stronger as earth quake, this spell literally rips the
ground up and crushes the mob/player.
ex: A rumble emits from the ground, and huge slab of earth crashes out and impales
 mabye would have more effect on certain terrain types, mountains, etc.

wind idea

gust, blow- expels a large amount of wind, possibly doing minor bits of damage (as
it could push other objects as well) and stunning the mob/player.

tornado, tsunami- shouldnt have to state what it does, crashes about the mob, mabye
stunning them and having a greater fireball effect on other mobs, but not quiet an
area effect


obviously entangle would go in here. 

mabye some more plants that could block things from leaving, angry bushes, etc.

having an animal speak ability which is basically charm, but works better for animals
(useless, but might as well put it out there)

mabye having a lower level spell that shoots out vines or coils and ties the mob/player
down or disallows them to attack basically like a chill touch with vines.

i also had a bleed idea, a spell that would continually sap away hp/mana or whatever
like a -regen room, basically famine with a cooler name.

another was i had an inverse of turn, mabye like more powerful zombies that you actually
had to maintain with mana, and would crumble away if you ran out.

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