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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - Jul 17 06:53 (druid) above idea
Next Msg   - Nov 26 01:27 (godel) New way to get skills/spells

Date:    Nov 11 01:47
From:    laud
Subject: Champion Code
In reference to player killing. We need a way to crown a champion of PK. It
should work like the (killer) flag,  in the sense that the champion would be
flagged as such, for a while. The effects would be temporary of course.  It
would apply to massive pk fests, maybe someone kills 3 or 4 people in a row,
and still hasn't been taken down. He would then be the (champion). As soon as
he's dethroned, his slayer would be the champ, and so on. What might  make
this even cooler is if the champ would get a couple bonuses to saving throws,
or a bless or something showing that he is in the favor of the gods.  He
would then be even tougher to bring down, giving more incentive to others to
gang up on him. Imagine Malcolm with champion status, pretty scary, get the

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