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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
Prev Msg - Aug 20 23:54 (pipen) deeds
Next Msg - Aug 8 20:07 (uicli) reply to zylor
Date: Aug 2 09:14
From: zylor
Subject: New Thief Skill
I was thinking that it may be cool to give thieves the ability to poison weapons.
It would be
similar to enchant weapon, only it would wear off after some time, and it wouldnt
explode in your
face if you messed up. It could be a mid to high level spell (25-27?). If you wanted
to make it
even more in-depth, you could make it so that you had to buy the poison from a shop
(maybe 250
for one vial.) and then bring the poison to the thief you want to poison your weapon.
Well think
about it.
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