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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Aug 16 05:45 (kyn) clan zones
Next Msg   - 2006 Nov 14 15:27 (maul) prompt

Date:    2006 Aug 16 05:50
From:    kyn
Subject: clan donation rooms
It would be useful for members to be able to donate directly to clan donation
rooms. A toggled option could allow members to have the donate command send
items to the clan zone. IE: CDON Your donations will now be sent to your
clan. CDON off Your donations will no longer be sent to your clan.

Clan elders should be able to set filters causing  donated eq to be rejected
by various flags such as ... eq level between thus and thus eq alignment
(rejects or accepts only eq of given eq) eq type (rejects trash, other,
whatever eq type flags)

players using the donation command with clan donation option active could be
sent messages indicating how their donation was received. IE: DON <item name>
Your clan donation was rejected: no anti-good donations please

Taking it a step farther (going too far) rejected donations could be
redirected to the usual public donation room.

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