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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: Apr 6 00:08
From: zeus
Subject: telepathy
Since dentin's considering cantrips, i'll suggest one that came to
mind. How about a skill that allows mages to communicate through
telepathy. It could be another type of communication, where you can
reach the other person through sleep, or during waking hours. It
would be kinda like tells, but i have another idea. If there is a
2-way bond created, the person could enter a trance type state and
snoop the other person's sight, or see through their eyes. You could
guide a person to their lost corpse through the darkened woods if the
person sending the message knew the path. It would work better as a
mage skill than a spell i think, but it could work like healing
touch, as in it would drain mana as used. It's just something fun to
do, not meant to be something to aide players in combat or otherwise.
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