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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
Prev Msg - 2012 Feb 24 15:46 (spiritsinger) What about a warrior ski...
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Date: 2012 Apr 2 15:03
From: shauna
Subject: I suggest a warrior skill named exploit weakness
Well, this is my idea, what if warriors have a passive skill that will increase their
hitroll against a single target while they hit them multiple times straight.
something like 1 hitroll for every 3 hits including dodged and parried attacks.
reason: Warriors are able to learn the weakness of the opponent while they attack
them giving them this extra edge on battle.
well, that's my idea, think it's pretty lame but hope you'll consider it.
well, that's my idea, think it's pretty lame but hope you'll consider it.
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