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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: Jun 30 01:04
From: tarrant
Subject: Group Tactics
Proposing a set of skills which would work somewhat like retreat, in that
multiple group members being trained in the skill would give increased chance
for success. Chr of the group leader(s) would also be taken into account.
A toggled flag, when active group members attempt to surround the enemies to
prevent fleeing. Would need to check pk (disallow non-pks from blocking pks
and other non-pks).
Group members spread out, attempting to reduce damage from area effects and
breath weapons.
Charge <direction>:
A risky offensive move where the group tries to plow through enemies into an
adjacent room. Depends heavily on size, strength, and numbers. Could
potentially drag mobs in the direction of the charge, and leave group members
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