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Alter Aeon Boards and Forums

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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

The idea board is now obsolete, with new ideas being posted to board 8 or
through the 'idea' command.  This board is kept for historical reference
only, and should be considered an archive.

All comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the views
of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon.  Browse at your own risk.

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 Msg  Date              (from) Subject
 [ - earlier messages - ]

  58: [private message]
  59: Jun 12 07:21 (xael) mobdeath
  60: Jun 12 07:36 (xael) one more!@
  61: Jun 16 08:16 (gisco) beacon
  62: [private message]
  63: [private message]
  64: Jul 14 22:20 (pinky) channel ignore
  65: [private message]
  66: [private message]
  67: [private message]
  68: [private message]
  69: [private message]
  70: [private message]
  71: [private message]
  72: [private message]
  73: [private message]
  74: [private message]
  75: [private message]
  76: [private message]
  77: [private message]
  78: Oct 30 17:01 (alleira) permenancy...

 [ - later messages - ]


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