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Date: Nov 6 08:23
To: all
From: laud
Subject: disguise/illusion
I'd like to see some sort of illusion skill or spell on the mud. Maybe an
illusionary spell for mages and a disguise skill for thieves. The spell
could make you blend in to the nearby mobs, like if in undead city you could
assume the identity of a zombie, and walk about until someone recognizes you.
The skill could have a chr check, and the spell maybe an int check. Mobs
would also have an int check in order to find you out and attack. I figured
the skill for thieves could have a drain on mana or on move even, much in the
same way turn undead drains mana. The mage spell could be something like
possession in that it has a high initial mana cost, and then it slowly drains
mana as one holds their illusion.
The spell should do something like change the player's fight and ground
string for a very limited time, as to fully change their identity. Of course
the name string would remain the same, as to confuse everyone :)
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