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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: 2008 Jul 9 18:46
To: all
From: elvis
Subject: High Level Warrior Skill (Use of Two One-Handed Weapons)
Seeing the Warrior's skill tree is a bit shorter than most, and especially lacking
at the high end, I've come up with an idea to make Warriors quite a bit more malicious
at higher levels, with a skill. A Dual-Wielding skill that would be attainable in
the 30's (Level 30, 31, or 32), and would allow the player possessing the skill,
who is wielding a 1-handed weapon, to wield another 1-handed weapon in their other
hand. In order to make it so this skill would not be horrifically game-breaking some
This could also possibly allow unarmed combat to mock attacking with two fists, so
long as the player wasn't wielding, holding, or using anything as a shield.
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