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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: Apr 27 01:12
To: all
From: osaka
Subject: SHOVE
I was trying to think if a new thief skill. I am an immortal on another mud
called Times of chaos and i just implemented a new idea called SHOVE. its a
midlevel thief/warrior skill that works as fear does for mages. Shove can
only be used on mobs and not other characters and will reduce your movement
by 10 per useage. There is an element to failing your skill and it could say
something to this effect " A cityguard gets sick of you pushing him around
and attacks". Its just a stupid idea for something to help even the odds
between mages and thief ect ect.
-Osaka- -=*{FalconHand}*=-.
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