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Prev Msg   - Jan  6 21:59 (druid) Lev 31 Thieves
Next Msg   - Mar  5 13:52 (tarrant) permanancy

Date:    Jan  6 22:42
From:    izakari
Subject: high level thief skills 
Circle has been said many times to be too benefical to the players.  Here's a
couple of ideas to either expand or weaken circle.

With backstab, in a group, a second person could have a chance of hitting an
already attacked mob.  However, that would be at a very low percentage and
the person would have a chance of hitting the first attacker (but not
starting combat against the first attacker).
for example
Druid backstabs thantos, for little damage.  Talon (who is in the group) backstabs
thantos for more damage, and grazes Druid's arm with his dagger in the process. 

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