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Date: 2013 Aug 10 00:47
From: calico
Subject: decapitation slash grapple skill idea
So my idea is this, A skill called grapple where a high level warrior with
a high amount of strength and dextarity could attempt a grappling of
they're targeted opponent, where the opponent is temporarily grappled
either to the ground or in a headlock possition. this could allow group
members to inflict a slightly higher physical dammage and a better acuracy
for skills and spells, but the grapple would end quickly and the more
dextarity strenght and cunning the mob has the faster it would be able to
escape the grapple. The main reason i thought of this skill, is that I have
thought up a great skill that this would complement, and this would not be
a over poerful skill as there are a lot of chances and stat requirements
involved, and even a successful grapple would only last for a few seconds
or so at most, as the strength of the grappler would ebb and the opponents
struggles would eventualy prevail in one way or another. For decapitation,
this is my original idea, but grapple realy would complement this.
Decapitation is a high level warrior slash thief skill, requireing high
dextarity and high strength to pull off, and there are two ways of
decapitating an enemy. 1 is like backstab, only less suddle and would not
be able to do a critical blow as decapitation relies on the victem staying
still. as an attack, decapitation would target the mobs neck and attempt to
do as much core damage to head and neck as possible, the faster and more
dextarous the mob the less or no dammage the attacker would do. if a
successful decapitation was performed, a sec maximum percent damage could
be set, so even the perfect decapitation with the opponent not staying in
one place could only do 45 percent of the mobs health, or a set amount of
hp in one strike. this skill would not be a repeatable skill and would not
be one used while in combat unless the target has been grappled or
imobilized in some way, which if so would allow the decapitator to actualy
strike the opponennts head off. the chance for decapitation to work is slim
to none, but again with the mob frozen or held in one possision the chance
would increase making the damage done that much more critical. would
require a hacking or slicing weapon only, for obvious reasons and the
longer the weapon the more damage the decapitation strike would do for the
torc the weapon would go through to reac its mark.
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