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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: 2006 Mar 9 18:23
From: ball
Subject: finish
i'm entirely entertained by the notion of a warrior skill
called finish. with finish, a warrior can do something
hilarious like pull out an opponents heart, or rip the
spine out of its body, or punch them so hard so that their
head falls off, or lotsa other stuff someone creative can
come up with. success depends on relative warrior level,
strength, dex, and hp, so that a morted thing will almost
always be finishable, but something with full hp will be
next to impossible to finish, unless of course it is low
warrior level compared to the thing using the skill. i can
see this as being useful for mobs that enjoy using some
irritating specps at around 25% hp, or for players that
enjoy using wimpy. and it's just plain fun.
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