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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Mar  9 18:23 (ball) finish
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Date:    2006 May 22 11:16
From:    samuel
Subject: Ganing practices 
It would be good if you could unlevel and level again. This way you could

It would be good if you could unlevel and level. 
This way you can get more practices and it means you don't have to get 
8000000 XP for practices. 
You will not loose the knowledge of the spell or skill you have just learned, but
you will not be able to perform 
or cast the spell if you are one level too low unless you leveled back. 
keep getting more practices and you would not have to keep having to get
8000000 XP. You would not loose the skill or spell that you just learned, but
you will not be able to cast or perform it unless you level back to the

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