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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2012 May  1 15:26 (kagemaru) Nothing in particular
Next Msg   - 2012 Oct  2 12:32 (gemafri) some new socials?

Date:    2012 Jul  8 12:24
To:      dentin all
From:    enigma
Subject: social: corndog
0. Corndog
1. You pull a corndog out of your pocket and twirl it around.
2. %1 pulls a corndog out of nowhere and begins playing with it.
3. You stick a corndog in your ear, now why would you do that?
4. %1 sticks a corndog in their ear, pulls it out and eats it. Gross.
5. %1 charges at you with a corndog and hits you over the head with it.
6, %1 charges at %2 with a corndog in hand and beats them mercilessly.
7. You charge at %1 and beat them mercilessly with a corndog.
8. They ran to get the mustard.
9. You take a bite into %o. thinking it's a corndog.
10. %1 takes a bite into %o., thinking it's a corndog.

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