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Date:    Jun  3 17:04
From:    dagger
Subject: grapple/circle
Hows about another skill for warriors, grapple.
Requires mid to high strength and dexterity. When successful both the player and
the mob
would lag for about 5 rounds.  Would also reduce your movement points by 15 if unsuccessful
and 35 when successful.
This skill could be used before and during combat.

And another one for thieves, CIRCLE,
I think, basically what it is, is the thief circles around the victim making him
dizzy and vulnerable
to be backstabbed.  This is all in one command/skill.  Should only be used before
If successfull, the victim lags for 5 rounds, if not, the thief lags for 5 rounds
vulnerable to attacks.
This skill would also require high dexterity and strength as well as thief and backstab

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