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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

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Date:    Apr 25 17:11
To:      dentin all
From:    follower
Subject: Clans
Hrmm seems ther is now a way to buy clans, why not a way to buy clan upgrades?

For example, right now it takes 1/5 of your mv to recall. Why not pay 5m and
have it take only 1/10 and so on down to the point that it actualy gives mv to
you to recall.

I know I have always wanted my own personal med room in my area, why not pay
20m and have one of your rooms set to +hp and mana regain?

Want an extra room? 50m....

I dont know about the rest of you, but I think if we did something like this it
would realy nice to be part of a clan again.

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