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Date:    Mar 17 06:54
From:    vember
Subject: Mirror Image spell
Mirror image is an old spell, but the closest thing that exists here is

Perhaps, as a sub-spell to displacement, you could learn mirror image.  I'd
suggest an incredibly short duration, so that backstabbers in PK situations
aren't royally screwed.

The basic idea is, the mage casts mirror image and a number of copies of
himself appear.  They would not need to echo emotes or swings of the caster
in sends, but if someone were to "look image" or even "look <caster>" they
might get a mirror image which looks exactly like them.

These little guys would simply serve to take several hits away from the
target.  A mob has a chance to hit the mirror image, thus instantly
dispelling it... but that's one less hit the mage has to take.

It needs some damage control issues, like possibly having it be self-cast
only to avoid mages dumping their mana into a tank who only gets hit part of
the time ... or have the duration last longer than the images, so that if the
spell lasts 10 ticks but the images all die by round #3 in a fight, it still
can't be recast until 10 ticks have passed.

Also I think the # of images can depend upon cast level, 5-15 of the buggers
should make the spell worthwhile.


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