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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

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Date:    Jul 14 22:20
To:      dentin any god all
From:    pinky
Subject: channel ignore
okay i know private channels are being played with, but
here's a idea for regular channels also
how bout a way to ignore certain people whenever they
say something.
for example some newbie starts talking on gossip, but
you don't want to turn the channel off but you don't
want to listen to them.
you also know that this is a person that you could care less
about what they say every time they log in so you "ignore person channel"
or something like that.

this is probably similar to the ignore list for tells, 
i also know that some people use triggers for this sort
of thing, but it would certainly take out some spam for
people and could possibly make mudding easier on gods,

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