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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room

Prev Msg   - Nov  6 23:26 (blades)  pets/slaves/familiares(can't spell...
Next Msg   - Dec 24 18:08 (backstabber) Silence?

Date:    Nov 20 06:22
To:      all
From:    murgh
Subject: ideas
Renting items out of playershops, a certain amount of days is specified, you
list the item, maybe rlist would show the rent list, then when you buy it you
get to use it for the specified amount of time then it's automatically
returned to the playershop. would need something to prevent timing out items
and staves from being rented.

also, i think that armor which covered more than one part of the body would
be cool. maybe some 3/3 gloves that were both arm AND hands. but you would
need to figure out the multipliers to make it fair.

i like the idea of trade routes. i feel like being able to walk to all of my
waypoints except for clan makes me a minority

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