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Prev Msg - Mar 17 06:54 (vember) Mirror Image spell
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Date: Mar 23 20:38
From: beamos
Subject: Spell ideas
cost - same as lethargy
it's similar in lethargy in it's effect but it's a sub spell of firefield. it ensnares
the target in a ring of fire. it would slow down the ability to fight and defend
just like
lethargy but spells would expire at their normal rate. it would deal moderate damage
initially cast and then deal minor damage over time (2-4 ticks) where at that point,
the fire
would remain but would be unable to harm the target any longer. spell duration would
same as lethargy (depending on the level it's cast) this would be a mage spell.
cost - 150 hp, 150 mana, and 150 move
this spell would be level 30 mage. as it's cost hints, it is very powerful and
cannot be cast again for several days (mud time). The target is immediately surrounded
a dark purple aura, killing it instantly. The caster and any group members recieve
no experience. The corpse of the target is instantly destroyed along with everything
Due to the power of this spell, it cannot be cast on any mortals (even if pk or ppk).
Afterwords, the caster would be unable to cast any spells for a time period no less
than 1
mud hour. As with all these drawbacks, this spell is only meant as a last resort
if you
must get past an obstacle. Savings throws against this spell would be high, and failure
the cast would still bring about the drawbacks of the spell. (ie no spellcasting)
cost - 75 mana
this spell is the Mage's version of Sunstorm. unlike sunstorm, it can be taught at
level 25
and can be learned from a guildmaster. it also has its drawbacks as it has a high
of hitting the caster as well since large, flaming rocks are coming out of the sky.
spell must be cast in view of the sky (for obvious reasons). it's a targeted spell
with the
drawback of possibly hitting other mobs or players in the room.
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