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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Idea Board Room
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Date: Jun 12 07:36
From: xael
Subject: one more!@
just thought of a new one.
Seems like everything I think of doing with this gargoyle of mine is just one
step away from being possible with the specps we have available, so I just mention
all the troubles Im
having if they seem like they would apply to further things that could be built.
At any rate.. I guess you just have to get a room setup for specps..
Me and fikh were thinking with the avnish specp making Mud U a different place
at nite then it is during the day. Businesses closing.. mobs going home to sleep
etc. Unfortunately as of now there is no way to bring the mobs back to work
in the day again, unless your area just happens to repop at the break of dawn
which would only work for that time of day anyway. ..and this is the problem
I faced with my gargoyle as well, which I was going to make more active at nite
then during the day.
If there were room specps then in this situation you could merely have the mob
dissappear at the specified time of nite, and the room would reload it at its
prespecified time and all would be happy.
theres my thoughts again.
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