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Date:    2012 Feb 24 15:46
From:    spiritsinger
Subject: What about a warrior skill called drag?
So, what about a warrior skill called drag, which allows the warrior to
take things which are to heavy to carry.
It would work like drag <item
name> <direction>.
if the item is some weapon or clothing, you can't wear
It would help with moving about corpses.
A draw back though is every
time you drag an item or corpse.
You will have to use more movement, this
would be dependent on the objects weight.
Also, with fly, the object being
dragged must also be flying or it will drain more mv, because you are pulling
something on the ground while you are in the air.
Dragging an object
will drain the same amount of mv as flying for the extra resistance of the
I guess this could be an level 16-19 warrior skill.
I hope you enjoy
my idea.

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