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Date: 2023 Jun 30 21:09
From: runion
Subject: stat training
I think base stats shood get increased if they get a lot of usage like workouts in
real life.
Ideas on certain stat workouts I have are:
strength near maximum for your strength or higher damage output may give progress
towards next point in strength.
Number of dodges help grind your way towards another point of dexterity.
continuous use of consider grants progress towards next point in wisdom, because
it is a wise idea to check the strength of a monster first.
buying and selling increase charisma
Number of damage taken helps train constitution and
natural increases in skill percentages help slowly train intelligence.
As I like to say, stats are important. I think this system will help gain base stats
without sacrificing practices for skills or saving practices.
Intelligence shood be rare to get boosted this way.
The current train command shood not be removed so as to allow players with practices
to spare to artificialy raise base stats.
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