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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Area Board
The area board contains occasional postings from builders who wish to
open an area in an unusual fashion or have initial quests to bring an
area on-line. It is not often used, but gives an idea of some of the
area-opening events that occur from time to time.
All comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the views
of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon. Browse at your own risk.
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Msg Date (from) Subject
1: (phtom) University and recent additions to atlantis
2: (fikh) Deep Forest
3: (vember) mountain climbers wanted
4: (dentin) devil worshippers
5: (dentin) swamps
6: Feb 1 02:03 (vember) Anti-Dentin
7: Feb 27 00:14 (vember) Mad Castle
8: Dec 22 11:18 (heart) New Area Opening
9: Mar 1 18:48 (tempus) amber
10: Apr 17 22:15 (tempus) A little story...
11: Apr 17 22:17 (islaine) quirks about madmen...
12: Apr 21 16:28 (vember) Moving Mountains???
13: Jun 8 09:42 (dentin) fire and ice
14: Sep 2 07:00 (xandar) A new castle.
15: Oct 2 12:56 (heart) test your mettle
16: Feb 28 12:10 (heart) the dead
17: Jul 8 20:52 (slamin) enlightenment quest
18: May 5 06:50 (doa) Kora'tur
19: Nov 21 18:25 (doa) Tashadar
20: Sep 12 07:50 (morpheus) Explorers report 1, new island discovered.
21: 2006 Apr 29 12:23 (Varin) Attention adventurers.
[ - later messages - ]
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