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Next Msg   - (fikh) Deep Forest

From:    phtom
Subject: University and recent additions to atlantis
University is designed for higher level total90+  grouping wouldn't
hurt either...the framework for the rest of atlantis is in place, ie some of
you have seen the empty streets linking much of the southern atlantis.
Those streets eventually will be filled with description and little houses/big
mansions will show up as well.  Current two additions to the southern city
is open for business, atlantis court/prison complex and the barracks just
south of the court/prison.  Both are designed for a group of level20-25ish
players.  A few notable eq from the barracks are warrior only and you will have
to take considerable risk to get group up for the eq...other than
that, keep your eyes peeled for the noble district which i'm currently working
Happy mudding

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