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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Area Board

Prev Msg   - 2008 May 30 15:01 (the huntress) The path is finally clear!
Next Msg   - 2008 Jul  5 14:11 (sandar) another new discovery 

Date:    2008 Jun 13 11:15
From:    sandar
Subject: Another new area uncovered
The bushes and the rock slide have finally been cleared from the area to the
east of Emerald City. After exploring the area for a bit, I discovered there
was a stronghold up in the mountains. Actually it turned out to be a large
chasm with several caves around it. There I found a race of strange beings.
These beings seemed to be a mix of elf and dragon. They were friendly enough,
although a little secretive and for the most part kept to themselves. There
is little else to report, except someone had mentioned something about a
ranger quest. 

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