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Prev Msg   - 2006 Apr 29 12:23 (Varin) Attention adventurers.
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Date:    2006 Aug 21 08:13
From:    Khaldurmin
Subject: A quest for the brave!
When the dwarven hosts are assembled, banging their axes on their shields,
stamping their boots on the ground, they all shout one name, Braun, the axe
master. The mere sight of a horde of bearded, metal-clad warriors, spitting
and cursing, stamping and shouting, has many times been all the reason an
enemy commander needed to withdraw his armies. The Axe Master fights in the
first dwarven ranks, filling their hearts with courage and their arms with
strength. His axe has cleaved innumerable heads. His battle cry echoes
through the halls and tunnels of the Stone Realm. With him on their side,
there is not a battle that the dwarven race cannot win. Braun wielded an
enormous battleaxe imbued with the elemental power of lightning. All though
the axe was made of mithril it was gold in color. It is said this golden axe
was forged by an old and powerful blacksmith that lived in the dwarven
Stronghold of Khal-Mindur. Before this blacksmith past away he had broken the
stone tablet with the secret to forging this axe into three pieces. Then hid
the three pieces somewhere within the stone walls of Khal-Mindur. Who ever
may find these pieces and can find a stone mason to repair the tablet will
have the secret to creating a very powerful weapon. Long ago, an evil mithril
dragon ravaged the stronghold killing all the dwarves. These dwarves would
not rest in peace though, for their ghosts and undead corpses are said to
still haunt the stronghold. Another even greater danger awaits trespassers,
that being the mithril dragon. 

I found another parchment as well,
that had the rhyme written below scribed on it.
My translation of this parchment is below.

I have broken the tablet in three,
Figuring out my rhyme is the key.
It is not as hard as you may think,
The first is in a place you can take a drink.
An Artist likes to paint on the walls,
The second will be found in these halls.
These statues have long stood and watched time go by.
The third will be found on the one that can die!

**An important note from Morpheus**
Those that seek to do this quest must be forewarned.
You must first find the three pieces of the tablet.
(Which you must pick up or take from the corpse yourself)
Then find the person to repair it.
(Giving him the three pieces yourself)
Then bring it to the person he recommends to translate it.
(giving it to him yourself)
Finally collect the pieces he requires and bring them back to him.
(once again picking up the pieces yourself and giving to him yourself).
If another gets a piece from the corpse and gives to you,
They will get the credit for that part of the quest.
If your in a group it is very important,
That only the one getting the quest get all items, get all from corpses and etc.
For only one can get the quest at a time.
Heed my warning or you will regret it!

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