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Date:    Jul  8 20:52
From:    slamin
Subject: enlightenment quest
This then is a re-post of the note I created for the "enlightenment" quest.
The previous note was deleted so I am going to try to do this from what I
remember. Sadly enough I lost my hard drive and all the information I had on
this quest was on it. So I will do my best to give you the information you

"I had a Vision of magical workings with the realm of your existence. Which
led to Feelings that I should investigate and discover the nature of this
thing. I then picked up a looking glass and beheld a Reflection of weapons of
great power again in the realm feeding the sucking dry those that come close.
I then created a Sign to warn those away from such doings. Seek out these
signs and they shall  lead to the enlightenment of your mind and bring unto
yourself Life."

Seek out Enlightenment from the room labeled "The Hall of Boards (Room1392)."


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