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Date:    Apr 21 16:28
From:    vember
Subject: Moving Mountains???
In all my mapping I have travelled the world.  Every-now-and-then I lift
my head from the trails and survey the horizon to get my bearings.  On a
few of these occasions, I saw a mountain in the distance.  I headed in that
direction, but when I had gone as far as I could, there stood no mountain.
Perhaps you can help me understand where this mountain might have gone...
I am certain some magical portation is going on... or perhaps it is too much
root-beer to the brain...
In any case, should you wish to seek out the dimensional glitch, the last
places I saw the mountain were from the Candlewood forests, the fields
near Thalos, and also in the forested trails west of the Centaur village.
Happy mountaineering...

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