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From:    vember
Subject: mountain climbers wanted
Vember's Log, Stardate 11.6.1996.20.4
  While exploring in the northern ocean I chanced upon a large mountain.
  The peak of the huge monstrosity went high into the clouds, which heretofore
  must have kept the mountain hidden.  Upon further inspection, I found the 
  mountain not to be part of a land mass, but an island all its own.  I
  thought I spied small human-looking creatures on the mountain-island, but
  just as I was going to explore my pop-tart alarm went off, and I had to go
  get my toasty pastry while it was still warm.
  Maybe someone with less of a toaster dependency can find and explore the
  hidden island, and warn others of the dangers it holds.

--excerpt from the daily rantings of a ruby-tuesday goddess

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