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Board Name - The general communications board (Room 7)
Prev Msg - Dec 7 20:24 (void) repost: Do Not Try This At Home
Next Msg - 2006 Aug 16 02:05 (myst) The perfect diet
Date: 2006 Feb 28 16:49
From: void
Talyn breaks free of the weakened ice.
Lily breaks free of the weakened ice.
Zealot breaks free of the weakened ice.
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEVASTATES *** Zealot!
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEVASTATES *** Zealot!
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
The Holy Guardian utters the words, 'ripdikrip fu tepirkataornium' [ice imprison]
A wall of ice quickly grows up around Zealot, trapping her!
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Lily!
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Lily!
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
[ninja] Byung: I do in my own way
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
The Holy Guardian utters the words, 'jynirkque que lepxa cabartepdik werhunnar' [ice
A wall of ice grows up around Lily, but it cracks and breaks as it touches her!
Lily jumps to attack The Holy Guardian!
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Lily!
Room: 25013 Zone: 2500 Wizinvis: 0>
Lily panics and attempts to flee!
Lily leaves west.
The Holy Guardian's Holy Blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Talyn!
The Holy Guardian utters the words, 'jynwirjyn queodiusirklephiata' [ice imprison]
A wall of ice quickly grows up around Talyn, trapping her!
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