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Prev Msg - Jun 3 17:02 (shorty) close call
Next Msg - Sep 4 00:29 (mrodd) You Know You're a Newbie When... PAR...
Date: Sep 4 00:12
To: all oldplayers and newbies alike
From: mrodd
Subject: You Know You're a Newbie When...
The other night, Fia and I were talking about the good old days, which both
of us were sure that most of the "newbies" of today would hardly be able to
imagine. Then... in the middle of our AMAZING conversation, we were
interrupted: [doom] Shift: I'd ike to have a definition of newbie
So, just for kicks... here's my definition. Keep in mind I started playing
back in 2000, so I'm not old-as-dirt, like most of you real hardcore mudders,
but I've got some years on me. Without further ado:
You're not a newbie when:
'You remember Savage
'You know what a "hrm" is
'You've made a hrm
'Your hrm has been Rejected
'You've been threatened to be smited if you resubmitted your hrm.
'You remember when the Stone Giant Invasion happened
'You remember when you connected naked
'You remember when there was a dressing room
'You remember when dying was a bitch
'You know what CR stands for
'You remember what Savage used to charge people for a CR
'You remember when people found bugs.
'You've found a bug.
'You remember when the average maxload was 20
'You remember when you could swear on Savage
'You remember when the only real channels were Gossip, Newbie, Doom, Fire, and Samon
'You remember Samon
'You remember when you could still talk on newbie
'You remember when Samon could still talk on newbie (?!)
'You remember the Level 15-15-15-15 Lionad
'You remember clan Resistance
'You remember clan FoulCumHand
'You were a member of clan FoulCumHand
'You remember clan Oddness
'You remember the first channel Oddness
'You know why Mrodd is a flamingo
'You can actually read "Mrodd"
'You remember the URL to the oddpics site
'You know Cygnii's gender
'Your RL address is on Mrodd's list of places to go.
'You've ever watched one of Mrodd's flashes
'You remember when the mirror fell
'You remember when Haunter aged himself
'You remember when aging was implimented
'You remember when Wyvern gave out G's
'You remember Haunter before "Ghaunter"
'You remember when Xander logged in.
'You remember when you could first convert to different gods
'You remember before level 32's
'You know who Glorida was before Glorida
'You actually GET the goosebitch joke.
'You remember when Savage and Kros were frozen.
'You've read the log of when Savage and Kros were frozen.
'You remember where the log was posted (it's still there)
'You remember when the PK portal was new
'You know Druid's fist name
'Dentin talks to you
'You remember Greyfox
'You know what Streettheif does for a living.
'You know why Streettheif stopped mudding
'You remember why Lionad stopped mudding
'You remember Lionad's profession.
'You know what color Grey's groundstring is.
'You've charmed/possessed "A tough looking flamingo"
'You remember where "A tough looking flamingo" loaded
'You remember Hailstone
'You know what Hailstone was replaced with
'You remember when possession was new
'You remember groupcasting was new
'You still go to the meditation room to regain
'You remember recalling into "A Small Shrine"
'You remember when dying had no cap
'You remember when there was no 'hall of fame' for lost exp
'You remember Nimrodd
'You know who suggested the "ni" prefix
'You remember before waypoints
'You remember when wyvren's had acid breath
'You remember the old "ignore" command
'You know what OS Dav runs.
'You remember Andres
'You remember before blindys played
'You remember before "You dream a dream..." came up while sleeping
'You remember when you could still empty corpses
'You remember when you could enter tenors
'You remember when durham's flying spirit cost 1 coin
'You remember when animating corpses had a real use
'You remember when alignment was implemented
'You remember when alignment shifted freely*
'You remember Ruin.
'You remember the Beer channel
'You remember Raven before Blood Raven
'You remember before groups were listed
'You remember Jason
'You took part in the excommunication of Jason
'You remember before Karma
'You remember before quests
CONTINUED on 2nd message
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