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Prev Msg   - Sep  5 21:17 (fia) You know you're not a newbie when...
Next Msg   - Dec 31 21:06 (druid) my post just after dec 31st 2004

Date:    Dec 31 21:05
From:    druid
Subject: my post from dec 31st 2002
29: Dec 31 17:36 (druid) goodbye 2002
From: druid
Subject: goodbye 2002
Ok, its 23:35 GMT (thats the time zone us brits are in, about 5 hours behind CST)
and its new years eve. Thought i'd go read samon's post from the millenium again
see if there was any wisdom there cos frankly right now im feeling utterly depressed
and i dont know why. I turned down the option of going to a pretty big party cos
well... i just think I woulda hated it. Yeah the millenium was an anticlimax but
it still
d every future new year were gonna have in our lifetimes.
Actually the millenium was pretty good for me. Spent it in Lancaster with Emma.
That castle of theres looks really cool when lit up at night. And everyone in the
town was in a really good mood. Not like here in blackpool where everyone looks like
they wanna be put out of their misery on new years eve.
People were dancing on tables etc. But i guess they'd prolly get chucked out if they
did that in a pub here.
Um anyway.
What happen
ed this year?
Lets see. Um.. ah the Bali bombing. A bunch of terrorists (the finger is pointng
at al queda
but hasnt been proved) decided to blow up a bar (yeah Raven i know, sacrilage) in
tourist resort where the majority of people werent actually americans but were
actually aussies. Yeah they got a few brits, americans and other nationalities as
but mainly aussies. Makes you wonder why. But anyway what else happened?
Um.. ah yeah, a cult has just claimed to have given birth to the first
 human clone.
That hasnt been proven yet and I hope to god its not true cos the chances of that
baby having an average lifespan right now would be not good.
And then there's all the usual shit about countries playing with nuclear technology
and countries flexing their muscles (america included).
On the mud front, not a lot has changed this year. Me and raven (fargone) are still
at it, xping away. Dentin is still working on the game, adding new little features,
some good, some bad, all the
 time. Lots of newbies come and many go. Roan still logs
in from time to time to complain about cygnii. Samon hasntbeen seen on the mud for
over a year now. I'm wondering will he ever return or have those brainwasher religious
nuts told him that real life is the way to go and that mudding isnt?
Thrash tells the clan, 'hurf xp'
So Ruin, aka Burnt, is supposed to be dead. Car accident they say. I dont know what
believe but he sure hasnt logged in for a long time.
Well I dont know what to say ab
out that. But there, it is mentioned.
Locane still muds here despite everyone ganging up on him and telling him he is an
idiot. Mrodd doesnt really kill much anymore but he comes in to say hello which is
Dav finally came into the Kindred fold. Thats nice too.
And now there are just 8 minutes left till 2003. whoopeedoo.
Ok I have Cal on my Msn list and he's pretty much always logged on there so
I'm gonna wish him happy new year and stuff.
Shit, my other computer says its midnight.
I should 
have the TV on or somethin that way i know for sure.
Hang on going downstairs a sec.
Hmm it says 3 minutes to downstairs, yet fireworks are going off outside, mml.
Ok some guy called ithilis...
Ithilis gossips, '3 mins'
STarting to wonder where Raven is.
He was ere a few hours ago.
Oh well.
There, its happened.
Happy new year or something.
Right, back to xp.

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