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Date: 2007 Dec 10 22:34
From: draak
Subject: The Conspiracy Theory Song!
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, that's what I really need,
I'd believe the shadow government is suppressing all the weed
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, I'm not just gonna chant this,
I'd move to the secret moon colonies or even to Atlantis
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist -- the Constitution's void!
I would wear a tinfoil hat and hide from the reptoids
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, the realities, I'd face 'em!
I'd rub elbows with abductees and hob-nob with Freemasons
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, my government exists to screw
They engineered the Holocost and made friends with the Jews
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, then i'd know the truth
The grassy knoll was just cover and so was John Wilkes Booth
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist -- they have proof there's life on Mars!
And Marilyn's in a nursing home for washed out graying stars
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, the government is inhumane
Blood for oil, that's their way, and who cares about west Sudan
I wish I was a conspiray theorist -- Elvis didn't die on the can
He was seen in Florida just last week, working on his tan
I wish I was a conspiracy theorist, I won't let the government suppress
Or haul me away to Guantanamo bay to be tortured to confess
Thanks to Amida, Axl and Caine for their contributions.
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