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Prev Msg   - Sep 30 01:26 (draak) A New Order
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Date:    Nov  1 02:02
From:    glorida
Subject: 2003 Haloween Tournament Results
Malcolm, Keelin, Offybone
Meow, Kallindos, Aldrich
Myst, Glorida, Tal
Rellik, Tyro, Andres
Alleira, Kato, Unclejemima
Feoric, Sandman, Ruggodice
Druid, Dao, Jamgirl
Alchemy, Bser, Lizard

Round 1:

Druid: 14
Malcolm: 10
Myst: 53
Alleira: 33
Meow: -10
Alchemy: 24
Rellik: -2

Feoric: -2
Tiebreaker between Rellik and Feoric was won by: Rellik

Round 2:

Druid: 10
Malcolm: 9
Myst: 34
Alleira: 16
Alchemy: 24
Rellik: 56

Druid and Malcolm recieved sets of spellcomps as a prize.

Round 3:

Alleira: 35
Alchemy: 17
Rellik: 43
Myst: 72
Alleira and Alchemy received a set of scrolls for prizes.

Round 4:

Rellik: 5
Myst: 47

Rellik received a badge: lev 30 arms damroll 2 ss -1 effect stoneskin for 2 days

Myst received a badge: lev 30 arms damroll 2 ss -1 effect perma dex/str

Total Points: 

Druid: 24
Malcolm: 19
Myst: 206
Meow: -10
Feoric: -2

Alleira: 84
Rellik: 102
Alchemy: 65

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