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Board Name - The general communications board (Room 7)

Prev Msg   - Aug  4 11:37 (druid) fun
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Date:    Aug 15 19:54
From:    druid
Subject: powercuts

The real reason the power grid failed:

Kato gossips, 'wow 98 players visible, thats gotta be a record'

Dentin gossips, 'lets just hope it doesnt reach 100, i turned the MAX_PLAYERS constant
up to compensate but i haven't had time to test it fully'

Razak gossips, 'lo'

Cygnii gossips, 'omfg 99 now'

Raven tells the clan, 'ra'

[xp] Laud: 100 players!

[xp] Smith: w00t!

[xp] Doa: That's nothing, ive played muds with over 10000 players

[xp] Stefen: hahaha

Fred newbies, 'can ne1 tell me how u use channels'

Alleira newbies, 'y0u h@v3 2 r33d th3 h3lp p@g35!'

Talos gossips, 'omfn i go afk for 30 hours and all of a sudden we have 101 players,
the mud cant take it,
we have to shut her down!

Dentin gossips, 'steady'

Raven tells the clan, 'i'm drunk, lets kill something'

Squeak gossips, 'we are getting memory leaks in arrays delta1 and theta4'

Dentin gossips, 'compensate'

Squeak gossips, 'its no good, the leaks are getting out of control, data is going
to spread into the main
entity structs if we dont do something quick'

Dentin gossips, 'more power to the mud server, re-route power from all non essential
systems including life support'

Talos gossips, 'its not enough'

Dentin gossips, 'ok ok, shut down the mp3 player too'

Talos gossips, 'its no good dentin, she cannie take anymore'

Dentin gossips, 'ok we can probably just boot some people'

Heart gossips, 'all our high level god commands have been locked out, its like the
mud is trying to run itself'

Dentin gossips, 'override'

Heart gossips, 'too late, and now the mud is logging in every pfile in the directory,
this is a multiplaying nightmare!'

Dentin gossips, 'Squeak, cant you mindmeld with the command parser and force people
to quit out?'

Squeak gossips, 'Damnit dennis, im a math teacher not a vulcan'

Dentin gossips, 'Talos, WE NEED MORE POWER!"

Talos gossips, 'ya cannie change the laws of physics dentin'

Dentin gossips, 'we'll see about that, i'm going to try rerouting power from the
mains directly into my own pc
We probably can download the excess mud data into my pc and deal with it in a sane

Heart gossips, 'but that could overload the generator and cause the national power
grid to shut itself down'

Dentin gossips, 'I dont care'

Cygnii gossips, 'OMFG'

Squeak gossips, 'its crazy but it might just work'

[samon] Arnath: hi

[xp] Doa Animus Messor: better at pick

Heart gossips, 'quickly dentin, the mud is destabilizing!'

Talos gossips, 'Talos to Dentin, uploading data now, prepare to receive'

Dentin gossips, 'redirecting mains, 3 seconds till download commences'

Cygnii gossips, 'but dentin, this goes against the player directives...'

Dentin gossips, 'I've made my decision Cygnii, stand down'

Cygnii gossips, 'ajdsajfhdskj'

Talos gossips, 'I hope this was the right thing to do'

Dentin gossips, 'me too'

Talos gossips, '3'

Dentin gossips, '2'

Talos gossips, '1'


Dentin has lost its connection.

Kato gossips, 'what happened?'

Talos gossips, 'I dont know, it seemed to work but dentin got disconnected'

Sandman gossips, 'oh wow, guys, the power is down in the whole of north east america
and parts of canada too'

Solo tells the clan, 'half my eq is missing'

[samon] Samon: I tried to warn everyone this would happen but nobody would listen
but anyways, mmk, now
than, uh..

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